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then enjoy ;D

Download That New Look!!!

Ftiakste ta malia ta matia kai alla opos thelete!!

That New Look 1.0

That New Look Image Maker (TNL) is a freeware imaging software. It is licensed for home use only. With TNL software you will be able to change your body shape, breast size, hairstyle, eyes, glasses, nose. All from comfort and privacy of your own home.
Imaging process consists of following important steps:

• Taking Photo of your body and face in front views or downloading pictures from the files.
• Photo correction and face/body blending;
• Face type analysis and setting control points for hairstyles, glasses, breast, noses.
• Hairstyles trying;
• Eyebrows modeling
• Virtual make up
• Eyeglasses and sunglasses trying;
• Breast resizing
• Body shape changing

to programa ta spaei

Size:4.38 MB!!


...prepei prwta na exete kapoio torrent(exw sta programs to vuze kai to m torrent katevaste to torrent ths epiloghs sas) kai na exete kanei egrafh sto site

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